<aside> <img src="https://i.pinimg.com/474x/39/0a/5e/390a5e19b89bbbf694520b9be5a1c99f.jpg" alt="https://i.pinimg.com/474x/39/0a/5e/390a5e19b89bbbf694520b9be5a1c99f.jpg" width="40px" /> what’s a book without the quotes that have us kicking screaming crying and laughing? drop them below.


“He wanted to tell her that love was too tame a word for everything that happened inside him where she was concerned. She had shifted him, realigned him from the inside out. Like a planet that suddenly pulls a moon into its orbit, she had bound him to her, given him direction for longer than she knew, gave him purpose to exist.

She was his gravity, his fucking planet, and he was lost without her.” - Tristan Caine